Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Le Croupe

Well, we have been wholloped by our first Family Cold.  We think Sophie started it with a nice head cold, Brian managed to get through it with minor scrapes and bruises, but Heather came down with a 102+ degree fever at one point and had to get antibiotics for a severe sinus infection.  We took Sophie into the weekend Clinic at Children's Hospital when her cough started making her cry, and the doctor diagnosed her with a croup cough, and she'd just have to work her way through it.  We've spent two weeks inside and away from friends.  It's no fun.  Here's Sophie clearly trying to summon help outside the window.  "Help me, please!  My mom has trapped me in here and it's BORING!!!!"

"Well, whew, that was a lot of work.  I don't feel so good.  Maybe we should just stay in..."

1 comment:

Prattitude said...

Betty got one of those once. She's sometimes would cough so hard she'd throw up. It was the saddest thing ever. We got a cold water humidifier. Didn't make it all go away, but made a HUGE difference.