Monday, May 5, 2008

Excellent Parenting 102

fig. 1.  I know this looks really unsafe, but Sophie LOVES her humidifier.  When it's turned off, she immediately goes and squats down at it like a repair man, often plumber butt included, and turns it back on.  She also is very adept at stepping over the (ahem) power cord.
fig. 2.  Sophie loves pens.  She's kind of obsessed with them.  I know there's that whole "if it fits down a toilet paper tube it's a choking hazard" rule but I figure if she can actually get this whole thing down there, she's ready for the circus.  Also doesn't she look darling in one of her new birthday dresses?
fig. 3.  While this is disguised as a lovely picture of Sophie hanging out with Gigi, note the tube of teething gel protruding from her mouth, and the actual teething toy she is holding in her HANDS.  I rest my case.

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