Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Words Words Words

This will come as a surprise to most of you who know Brian and myself, but Sophie is REALLY talkative.  Wonder where she gets that.  Hm.  Anyway, here I will attempt a list of current words broken down into three categories:  Words (well pronounced, clear to anyone around), Near-words (takes a little creative interpretation by more experienced speakers), and Sophese (those adorable made-up baby words that for some reason stick around longer than you would expect!).  I might have missed a few, as there are so many, and more every day, but this will serve as a start.

Words.  We've got these down!

apple banana avocado noodle chippie beans meat chicken

    milk water beer (ahem)   wine (don't ask) peas      broccoli

rice eggy breadie oats oh's raisins  bar cookie doughnut

hot coffee corn fish poisson (francais) ice

mommy daddy up down go going coming  cooking out in off on

light dark walking bye moon sun sleeping

no yes     nammy papa gigi sleepy nap toss

(the dreaded) mine! (the refreshing) yours? play sit hit owie

pokey sewing working jump bouncing swimming ridey

more try hot cold froid (francais) chaud (francias)

Obama hi slimey yucky yummy soft check it      do it

find it Sophie (with surprising clarity) see shower empty

Santa watch open opening close climb tall

small triangle square one two! (her favorite) three four

white pink dirty wash

dolly book baby     toy camera (just today!) chair

clock (way to get that 'L' in there, Sophie!) watch pan highchair table

tree rock ball pen paper potty phone hat coat

pee poop hat shirt pants shoes boots car mitten

truck bus dinner t.v. boppy (pillow) button

pencil    saw bowl plate box cd keys stair

kitty cow doggie horse piggy (refering both to toes and the animal)

bunny (the full assortment of animal noises, of course) lion bear zebra

froggy giraffe peacock goat turtle tortue (francais) owl whale

seal otter       bat mice

hair ear eye nose tongue neck (also turtle-neck!) elbow tummy

hands booty leggie knee foot toes (aka piggies) nail face

Near-Words.  Repetition or a little interpretation needed. Clarifications provided.

stroll stroll (stroller)
nigh nigh (night night)
'nake (snake)
'now (snow)
jammies (pyjamas, see also.....
punkin jammies (pumpkin jammies)
bookey jammies (monkey jammies)
meow meow jammies (kitty jammies)
farder jammies (flower jammies)
piddow (pillow)
yammie (lambie)
beddie (bed)
cuddow (cuddle)
ty-yenoaw (Tylenol)
seep (sheep)
ayi-gator (alligator)
eh-ephant (elephant)
gorillillilla (gorilla)
armalillo (armadillo)
pengin (penguin)
buhrd (bird)
fing-ers (fingers, no hard "g")
fums (thumbs)
mouf (mouth)
teef (teeth - has 16 now!)
p'nn (spoon - who needs vowels?)
fowk (fork)
diapey (diaper)
hab it (have it)
libry (library... or is she just British???)
'wing (swing)
slidey (slide)
pees (please)
kee-koo (thank you)
uh-side down (upside down)
pitty (pretty)
shahp (sharp)
teese (cheese)
wooster (rooster)
ty-ee (tiny)
oyenge (orange)
cwyssant (croissant)
yunch (lunch)
m'sic (music)
nowah (Nora)
pit-chur (picture)
uh'side (other side)
yock (sock)
madzine (magazine)
Pesdent Obama (President Obama)
meashring (measuring)
may-ow (mail)
hungwy (hungry)
farder (not what you think, it's actually flower)
baff (bath)
punkin (pumpkin)
el'vader (elevator)
byoo (blue)
puh-pul (purple)
yeh-yow (yellow)
wed (red)
keen (clean)
kang-roo (kangaroo)
umbayla (umberella)
loh-yun (lotion)

Pure Sophese.  Or, what did she just say...? Definitions provided to the best of our ability.

bay (blanket)
bookey (monkey)
tup-tee (belly button)
hooey (ahem.  Okay, so this was our word for it, but she's really got this one down!)
yo (yogurt)
saucey (applesauce)
bocci (pizza.  She really says it like Bocci Ball.  Have no idea why. Also applies to a pizza box.)
kah-ki (sticker)
ha ho (the movie, 'Finding Nemo', because of the African chant scene in the tank.)
ha hm (the movie, 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'.  Do not know why.  But throughout the                   holidays, both Halloween and Christmas decorations became "ha hm".)
Detoh (her friend, Dexter.  We suspect she has the ability to say his name, but this just stuck.)
nonny (ah, nonny.  Well, it's a better word to hear her blurt out in public than 'booby'...)
bee bee (can apply to either elevator or crosswalk buttons, or bugs of all sorts.)

1 comment:

smatano said...

Awesome. I'm sure she's added several more since you compiled this list. It's possible she knows more words than I do.