Sunday, March 23, 2008

Baby's First Easter

All dressed up and ready to go to G&G Culver's House for Easter Day Chili!

The hat lasted a little while, long enough for a few ah's and oh's...

Then we had our own little Easter Egg Hunt.  Very little.  Three eggs and a blanket.  We'll get more creative next year when Sophie can, you know, walk.

Toodling around with the kind assistance of Uncle Bryan and Aunt Thu.  Great Grandma Jean looks on from the couch, and I tried to get Bryan & Thu's little doggy Oliver in the shot, but he is just too fast!

A little after dinner music on the way-cool organ with G'ma Kathy.

Okay, time for bed!  Thank you, Easter Bunny, BOK BOK!


Prattitude said...

Awww. We went to the Bunny Bounce at the zoo. Paul has a video of it on his groupee account. It's not so much an egg hunt as a pick-up-the-millions-of-eggs-we-dumped-out-in-plain-sight kind of thing.

Prattitude said...

For some reason when your blog came up today my mind read the title of this post as "First Baby Eater."


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