Sunday, March 16, 2008

Random Stolen Shots

Here is a mish mash of photos swiped from our friend Amy and Sloane's Blog.  Amy is an inspration in photographic consistency and I basically theived this whole Blog set-up from her.  Here is Sophie, most likely post-mom movie lunch at The Cheesecake Factory.  Clearly very curious about someone else's food.

Our beautiful friends, Amy and Sloane.

Here I am at the mom movies hanging out with Sophie and Cooper.  It's quite obvious I'm having a terrible time.

This was our first day back into the swing of things at Mosaics after our Big Vacation.  So happy to be back and see everyone!

Just the other week at Polly and Unity's house for a movie.  Yes, we usually match like this and yes, I chopped all my hair off.

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