Saturday, November 24, 2007

La Tour Eiffel!

On our first visit to Paris together, Brian and I had opted to CLIMB the stairs to the second tier of the Eiffel Tower - it was January, and I don't recommend it! - so this was a nice change of pace to do it right. Like, for instance, taking the nice, warm elevator to the top:

This day was pre-puffy purchase (for those of you who are familiar with our little marshmallow!), so we bundled as best we could for that stiff breeze at the top!

But it does make for a once-in-a-lifetime family portrait!

Sophie and mom, diggin' the view!

And after the cold and excitement outside, it's into the "Altitude 95" bar for some Irish Coffees and a warm up!

We hung out until sunset to see the lights come on...

...and I just refused to leave the area until we gave Sophie her first carousel ride on a Parisian double-tiered carousel below the Eiffel Tower!

I think Sophie enjoyed it, she's just concentrating.


We ended the evening with dinner across the river with a gorgeous view of the sparkly lights on the beautiful Eiffel Tower.

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